About Us

About Us

Welcome to Saint Raphael Preschool!

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School Details

  • By the state of California, Saint Raphael Preschool is licensed for children ages 3 years through Kindergarten.
  • Program: 4.5 hours daily (Two classrooms: Angels & Saints).
  • Offers: 5-day attendance.
  • Children must be fully potty-trained before starting preschool.
  • 180 school days plus a 6 week Summer Program.
  • Extended Care is offered for an additional fee (8:00 am-5:30 pm).
  • United with Saint Raphael K-8 Elementary School and Church.

Click Here: Preschool 2024-2025 Calendar


  • Angels Class (3-4-year-olds) and Saints Class (4-5-year-olds).
  • Schedule: 8:30 am-1:00 pm. Monday-Friday (5 days/week). 

Extended Care

  • Before-school care is available from 8:00 am-8:30 am.
  • After-school care is available from 1:00 pm-5:30 pm.

Class Sizes

  • Angels Class - 22 children with 2 teachers and 1 aide. (Ratio - 7/8:1)
  • Saints Class - 22 children with 2 teachers and 1 aide. (Ratio - 7/8:1)

Marin Quality Counts


Saint Raphael Preschool is a proud member of the Marin Quality Counts Program. Marin Quality Counts is a program through the Marin County Office of Education. Our teachers are high-quality teachers that are receiving extra training in order to improve their teaching skills. Your child's brain develops the most within the first five years of their life which is why the Marin Quality Counts Program aims to provide the best quality early care and education for your child within these years. To learn more about our teaching program visit the Marin Quality Counts website: http://marinschools.org/ece


Both classes offer developmentally appropriate activities focusing on Religion, social-emotional development, language and literacy, English-language development, mathematics, visual and performing arts, physical development, health, history-social sciences, music and movement, and science! We are also proud members of the Marin Quality Counts Program. At Saint Raphael's Preschool, we provide a healthy and safe environment for your child. We also provide numerous activities for active, engaging, hands-on learning.

Our "Angels" class focuses on the transition to a group experience for our 3-year-old children paying special attention to their social/emotional development and adjustment into a school setting. We offer the children a variety of experiences in art, science, math, dramatic play, music and movement, books/stories/literacy, large/small motor development, and endless social interactions with teachers and their peers.

Our "Saints" class (Pre-Kindergarten) continues on with what has already begun in our Angels class and focuses on offering our 4-year-old children opportunities to develop their readiness for Kindergarten. We sing, explore, draw, create, and learn the letter sounds while covering various themes throughout our year as the children grow in the many skills that will support their success in Kindergarten.

Please Click on a Photo Below to Learn More About Us...

Saint Raphael Preschool is also happy to have:

Dominican University Work Study students providing extra support in the classrooms.
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